Friday, July 23, 2010

Hi from Atlanta!

Well, I just got in to Atlanta yesterday, and my friend Mike is putting me up until Saturday when I leave. It's been pretty chill, he's got a nice apartment in Midtown (the nice area of town) and that's only two Marta stops from the consulate.

Except it's all the same price whether you take one stop or twenty.
(and why do they all start with M anyways? The Metro, the M, the MTR, the MRT, the Marta....)

Speaking of the consulate, my pre-orientation is tomorrow, which is why, dear readers, I started my blog today. In case I forgot to do it later. Nothing much has come up yet but that will change soon. Here's my schedule:

Friday - Pre-orientation in Atlanta
Saturday - Atlanta -> Houston -> Tokyo
Sunday - Day in Tokyo/bed from jetlag
Monday-Wednesday - Orientation in Tokyo
Thursday - Himeji City!

Minor rant: It took the city FOREVER to get me assigned. I found out LAST WEEK I was going there, when everyone else's been making travel plans cuz they'd known their assignment since MAY. Fail.


  1. maybe if you freaking handed in your stuff ON TIME then you would've gotten your assignment you noob. btw text is a little hard to read. either make it bigger or dull the background a little (less contrast). aite peace.

  2. Hey Nick! Great to know that everything's been going well with you! Sushi adventure sounds awesome XD sigh and I still can't believe it's been two years since we first met at orientation and you've graduated and I'll be a junior and so >.< anyways, I'm currently in Honduras on a DukeEngage project and it's been pretty cool =) but sadly I wouldn't be able to go to the send off party in hongkong and meet all the froshies :( but oh well =/
    Hope you'll have a great time in Japan and for Sushi's sake, keep this blog updated :p


  3. hi nick! it seems like everyone is starting blogs about their post-college adventures :) have fun in japan!!

